TurboTom is correct:
Onwers of devices shipped with FW prior to P08.01 have had the opportunity to hack their device and ENABLE the missing options. These stay enabled after the P08.01 upgrade, except 3MHz and 1Hz RBW.
On top of that, by removing/renaming the already mentioned files, the P08.01 firmware will assume that it is in manufacturer mode, where ALL OPTIONS are enabled for an unknown serial number.
1) The hack is permanent for older devices (if done correctly).
2) The hack is temporary for all devices (including new devices shipped with P08.01) on FW P08.01.
3) Next FW will probably invalidate the easy P08.01 hack.
History of hacks:
1) A "werewolf mode" FW appeared by accident on SIGLENT.COM, that enabled all options (P05)
2) The Telnet login/password was discovered
3) It was discovered that the timed options could be made permanent by putting silly values in them (this would lead to a non-permanent hack upon P08.01 upgrade)
4) It was discovered that all options could be autorised by changing missing options status to TRUE
5) Siglent ceased using a simple file listing TRUE/FALSE on options and instead uses the corresponding activation keys starting with P08.01
6) It was discovered that deleting/renaming 4 files, all options get authorised by default - as the device behaves as a stock device without serial number
1) Everyone right now can enable all options
2) If a newer FW is released, do not upgrade, if you want maintain the hacked status
3) Existing users with hacked device are not that keen to do experiments, as the machine costs 1500 Euro (+VAT) and can be damaged by doing so
4) Siglent may not be "hunting" the hackers but are certainly closing the doors enabling the hacks
5) Did the hack increase sales? I would say yes (at least that was a big motivation for me to get the device, as it made it much more attractive). Will Siglent be permissive because of that? Nobody knows!
6) If you cannot be bothered to read a thread with JUST 9 PAGES, then you are not in a position to demand anything!