Using programmer I read content of flash chip 29l160 and using USB Blaster I read pof file from MAX II
I found only one dump of 29L160 from GDS-71042.
Tried that dump but at first sight didn't get any better.
Didn't do more testing, just measuring output 50Mhz from TCXO from some device and get same result as with original firmware, frequency measured OK sinusoid seems ok but little jagged in both cases.
Since I have dumps and can recovery I tried upgrade to A models by renaming update files,but no go. Next with U models files and that was working.
After that no more sdcard but message on screen Fail to init USB.
CH1 seems to work but CH2 acting weird, have a dashed trace and abnormal,and seems to trigger outside signal area.
Self calibration give some errors on CH2 also.
Write back original dump and is back.
Spotted differences on photo from U model
AD9288 to another vendor maybe not clear WMD9288
HX8802C to HX881? lcd controller
One coil near SDMMC -USB connector,they may use some USB converter off board.
And some traces.