Paying extra for unrealistic accuracy ends up really expensive soon. No problem getting system to measure accurately down to 0,005K but the measurement system is going to cost you tens of thousands $.
Yep, I saw the same trouble coming when wanting a high bandwidth oscilloscope, frequency counter, etc. Solving that by taking matters into my own hands, being a hobbyist I can afford that luxury, but, can't afford to do that with absolutely everything or I'll have too much on my plate.
One thing I've always had confidence in, is that with knowledge, time and care, helpful guidance from peers and proper application of science, one can usually come close to duplicating results that could otherwise be obtained by spending megabucks; I actually feel lucky I don't do this stuff for my job, it's going to force me to learn more things more in depth over time.
Thermocouple accuracy is limited by other factors than noise and noise limits mostly resolution. You can get something like 0.01K resolution with +-0,02K short term stability with good equipment and proper techniques.
Yeah, I need to be more careful, I meant precision, not accuracy, the resolution is obviously limited by the resolution of the voltage measuring device and noise will limit the precision to less than the resolution (oversampling w/ averaging aside).
I think I'd be happy with 0.01K resolution and +-0.02K stability to begin with, and maybe I'll find that's all I'll ever need.
Biggest problem is the thermocouple sensor wire, manufacturing tolerances are HUGE. If you stay something like below 200 °C you can theoretically calibrate and correct the error to better than 0,05K
T-type thermocouple error is usually more linear than K-type and you can interpolate your results more easily. K-type might require calibration every 20K to be accurate to 0,1K and with T-type you can get away with calibration every 100K or so.
Yeah, and it's not like I have a vast array of temperature references, pretty much limited to latent heat capacity buffering to get a reference (is there a technical name for this?), i.e. ice water or other two-phase mixes of pure substances, even the water is technically a problem, it will have to be very pure (I know that impurities will change the melting point). A water purification system has been on my list for quite a while (how the hell did people do science before science supply companies, always need more things..); not that it's overly complicated, but I'm not made of time :-(.
Above 200 °C thermocouple stability is a bit problematic and you have more or less problems as thermocouple error will depend on the previous usage history, temperature gradient along thermocouple, immersion depth in use vs. calibration etc etc.
I probably won't be doing much measurement over 200 °C, but I'm pretty sure an exception will come up in the next couple years if not sooner.
Second biggest problem is the measurement equipment itself, cold junction compensation is usually accurate only to something like 0,3..0,5K
This is a problem especially in general-purpose dataloggers like 34970A as cold junction temperature is measured only at 1 point and connector terminals are spread along large area inside relay/connector card/plugin.
You can circumvent this by using thermocouple-to-copper wire cold junction in accurately known temperature (cold junction immersed in thermos bottle full of crushed ice and water) and manually set your datalogger to measure with cold junction temperature set to 0,0°C or measure in microvolts and convert microvolts to temperature based on NIST-published equations.
Thanks, this is looking to be my best option at the moment, at least the datalogger will take care of a lot of the work I'd have to do if I built the system from scratch, and, I'm sure I'll find many more uses for it as time goes on.
Here is some good material on thermocouples
Thank-you for the link! And thanks for the input!