It is possible that you have deleted important calibration data.
If so, it would need to be recalibrated by a repair service. It will also cost money.
However, it should not normally be possible to delete it intentionally.
I was thinking the same after I read the service manual but that would be very strange to allow this feature.
I saw that in the same service menu I can set the calibrator coefficient % but it needs to be calculated after measurement with an HP 432A and a 478A thermistor mount.
I ran more tests from the "Service Menu", maybe some can check their 8451C if it has similar values?
Sensor 80320A is connected via cable to the power meter and also to the calibrator connector.
Sensor "A" DVM -> 1114 mV Range 3
Under "Hardware Tests" there is a test called "5 VOLTS" and it shows 38xx (xx is changing between 17 and 21). I measured all 5V testpoints on both A1 and A2 boards and they are OK. Does this test means I have somewhere 3.800V ?