Hi, all,
do hope this thread is still alive, I would like to join conversation on Fluke 183 /185 (TX 1 & 3)!
I am (formaly!) newbee on this site, joined it few days ago!
The reason is problem I have with my Fluke 183!
This istrument I bought as new 20+ years ago, and have been using it for more than 10 years, being very satisfied with it, it was joy using it!
And, then he became partialy defective, and put out of use because new instrument replaced it!
Now, I have found it forgoten on shelf, and decided to try to bring it back to use, if possible!
So much of introduction, let me explain problem:
Instrument measures perfect voltage and current including frequency, but not at all resistance / capacitance, continuity / diode / 50 ohm range!
On these measurements he is just randomly shoving some values, or even behaving as being leads short circuited on diode / continuity / 50 ohm range!
I have measured test voltage on the leads while being on some of these measurments, and it seems there is (almost) no voltage at all, meaning there is no constant current flowing at all, or it is very low!
This to say because sometimes it seems that instrument recognises short circuited leads, for example, when he ask to make short on 50 ohm range, or being on continuity range, showing 0 or some milivolts!
Indicative for this problem is also that he newer shows on these measurements 0L when being at open leads!
Meanwhile I have checked as well photo MOS relays, which by my knowledge have function at these ranges, and they seems to me OK!
At least they are changing output side when input diode is being activated!
My PCB is Fluke 185 - 3001 REV 003 , it seem that difference between 183 and 185 models was mainly in firmware, beside mechanical possition on range switch!
Only strange behavior I have noticed, while testing it by internal tests, is that button MIN / MAX shows value 99 instead 01!
Is it same on other units or is it real fault on my instrument?
I would appreciate any help from you, guys, and would also thank you all for help provided on this forum!