OK, i have some progress which either may indicate the problem or my failure to follow the instructions correctly...
I've upgraded Python to version 3.7 (64 bit) and installed pyvisa and the NI VISA distribution.
I have the following problems:
- From Python (see attached debug info) or from NI's 'Measurement & Automation Explorer' tool only COM1, COM2 serial ports are listed not the USB 82357B
- rm.open_resource method throws pyvisa.errors.VisaIOError: VI_ERROR_LIBRARY_NFOUND (-1073807202): A code library required by VISA could not be located or loaded. Presumably due to installation order / setup of NI and NI VISA. Will continue to look at this.
I've added some debug to the py script - see attached text file. This shows the detail of the two errors above. It is weird that it says the visa32.dll is 64-bit but anyway, i am trying to run it all 64-bit.
To Bitseeker's points:
Yes, at present I'm not trying to determine if it is fake or not, just if it works. If it may be fake but works fine i wouldn't bother returning it (it seems so hard to find and verify a genuine one anyway..). I can't see the shielding protruding but am not intending to take it apart (well, ironically, unless it works!).