I already have got to the point that I have Keysight Connection Expert running and seeing all my instruments and power supplies, I think I'll dip into Excel next and then download and teach myself Python.
That is pretty much how I see it at the moment.
My I/O library, Connection expert and BenchVue works really well together.
I tried a few times to add the Keithley VISA as a secondary but the conflicts are so big that either one will not work.
So, I will probably have an old laptop run the Keithley VISA completely separately to keep it divided.
Controlling the Keysight instruments out of Excel also works well.
Next is to learn Python, but I have to learn that from scratch. May be it is easier than I think?
In addition, I got a ProLogix GPIB adapter and the Software from RF Scientific.
This works well, even when the I/O Libraries are installed with primary VISA pointing to Keysight.
For data logging, the RF Scientific software works very well.