With more and more people stating and receiving the New FW, I thinking it would good to report new Bugs here. Marmad has kept a good list on the 3rd post of this Blog. Altough Marmad usually confirms all bugs himself , I think it would be helpful for a few others to confirm any reports. Also if any Fixs to an existing bug is a complete fixed.
These are Bugs I have found:
#03__01 The Clear Button does not work.
Fixed in Firmware #03__02 The decode display does not clear when decode is turned off
Fixed in Firmware #03__03 Once the lg(CH1) advance Math function is applied you can Edit the function;
If the Expression button is press the DSO hangs. and if in start Last System. the
attempt to change the expression , will hang the DSO!!!

Fixed in Firmware #03__04 The Set Counter Menu has display Error (unnecessary scrolling,small ) see Pics
This occurs when system 'System'-'Power On' - is set to 'Last' and the trigger is
NOT set to EDGE trigger.
Power cycle after PULSE trigger causes 3 items in Menu ,most others 2 items set in Menu
Auto Setup Button resets trigger to Edge and all 4 Menu Items??? (CH1,Ch2,Ext,Off)
Not Fixed in Firmware anyone ventures onto Fw, please help to confirm any of these.
Edit 1 Added more info on Bug #03__04