Nokia6681, TurboTom, Martin72,
thanks for your effort to point out what I probably not take into consideration while thinking about this issue
of kind DIY IQ extension for the SSG3kX.
Some remarks concerning your arguments more in details.
But if you need this option after that, I would sell the one without I/Q as
best as possible and then add a lot of euros and buy one with I/Q already installed.
I don't see any possibility of growing something here that will actually work.
I have spent some Euros before on a SDG6kX with the IQ option enabled.
That's the reason I'm looking for a opportunity to feed this signal into my SSG3kX
purchased this year. If this is in general possible is one point to explore and
throw some thoughts on it instead of spending more money.
If this could not be achieved as some of your experts state I could come back to the
proposed solution and spend more money on this.
But as I'm not using my lab equipment for professional purpose but more for my hobby,
time and effort is not the first point to take into consideration. It's just the fun and challenge
to gain this goal without spent more money.
If you look at the teardown video from defpom, you can see that it's not "just" the
missing IQE board, there are also empty spaces on the mainboard that need to be populated.
So you should say goodbye to the idea that it is enough to get the board somehow.
I have just done it.
Thanks for this point. I have watch the YT video from defpom but honestly not notice
this. Will check this more sophisticated to catch what you mentioned.
The I/Q add-on board contains a direct quadrature modulator, something like the HMC1097 or similar.
Seems that I missed some basics of the signal path, but I was convinced up to this time and this is
still the case, that when you have two sig channels (I & Q) the hf modulator has to be behind and not
before this stage. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
The only point that is possible is that my assumption the both connectors at the rear of the mainboard
are I&Q is wrong.
If this is the case my idea of the IQ extension is based on wrong fundamentals so I have to apologize
for wasting your time for this discussion.
Thanks for your patience