About a month ago I bought a lot of Fluke 37s for cheap on ebay. Upon testing them, I discovered that all of them had blown 630mA fuses, so naturally I went and ordered replacements. After receiving them, I noticed that they are completely lacking the markings on the fuse that I had expected from both the old fuses and the pictures I have seen. Further reading about the large amount of cheap/fake fuses on the market in conjunction with the different looking fuses and their low price leads me to think that they are fakes.
I have a few questions. First, where would you guys recommend I buy replacement fuses for my multimeters in the future to avoid this issue? Second, are these at all safe? Will I be seriously risking my equipment/myself if I use them?
Here is the amazon listing I bought them from:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002SRIM8I have also included pictures of the original bussman fuses, the new ones I received, and the packaging they came in below.
The original fuses are on the left.
EDIT: Sorry about the massive images, will upload smaller ones next time.
EDIT 2: For some reason I didn't check digikey.
A 5 pack for $10 + shipping doesn't seem so bad: