Do you know equipment, that measures the power usage of some DUT? I know this is typically very simple, however I have some requirements.
The sleep current is around 20uA, with occasional RF transmission, up to 2A pulses should be measured.
If it simulates battery behaviour, with internal resistance it is better.
The mAh or mAs is important.
We used a bench multimeters to do this kind of testing, but the overhead for calculating the actual usage is too long. We want to do this testing each time a new firmware is released, so the less time we have to spend on it the better.
And the drop on internal shunts is not really acceptable. And there is also the problem of slow sample rate.
One candidate I'm looking at is the Keithley 2281S-20-6 Precision DC Supply and Battery Simulator. We have it's small brother, the Keithley 2280S. I think the difference between them is mainly software, maybe it is the extra battery discharge unit? Doesnt matter that much, it is a nice equipment in theory, slightly inconvenient to use in practice. To be honest, all the recent Keithley equipment was a slight disappointment, and I'm somewhat reluctant to spend more money at them.
At this point I can convince management to spend a few thousand euros on this equipment (that is a few+1 thousand USD).
Do you guys know anything else that can be used for such purposes? I never had an SMU, is that something that can do these tests? Or probably an overkill.