My experience with my BM235's display is consistent with the OP's pics. Since posting earlier (sorry, different, wrong thread), I noticed that the display has a curved window over it. IMO, this is a mistake in form over function - it tends to pick up reflections from everything.
There is a bit more going on than just lighting angle. Outside today in direct sun on a perfectly clear day, with care to avoid any reflections (very hard with this meter - I would never get this for outside work), I get good contrast looking almost directly on, and at all angles to the sun. I can't look directly on as all I can see is my own face. In a dark room with the meter's backlight, I get the same poor contrast shown in the OP's example pic.
With the meter lying flat on my bench, backlight off, and me standing, the view angle is low and I also get low reflections. In this situation the display is readable, although somewhat dark. I like to sit, and in that situation with the meter propped up on its stand (looking straight on at the meter's display), the reflections and low contrast make the meter unusable without the backlight. I was not able to find a lighting setup that worked. And with the backlight on, it is hardly great.
I see at least one person saying that their BM235 display is on par with their other meters. There is something very different in our situations. I've never had a usability concern of this level with *any* digital display on any device, although the very early TFT laptop LCD's would be taking second place. That experience includes a number of meters, from a c1989 cheapie, to a more recent (although still old) Fluke. Those, they just work.
This is all quite frustrating since the compact size and the rest of the features make for a great all-round meter. At AU$135, Dave has made available what was almost, for me in Australia, the best deal by a mile. But like the OP, I don't really understand how the meters got released this way. Or the noisy backlight for that matter. And certainly, why these issues wouldn't be decisively fixed ASAP.