I also like the part where Rigol participates in "Bring your child to work" days and allows the kids to design the front panel graphics. Seriously, a multi-colored button? I'll get over it...
Yea, it's a little too decorative for me, but hey, it's works better than the Dg1022. This model displays the "EXT" when it's using an ext. standard, whereas the DG1022 did not show anything on the display to let you know that, which I did not like.
But one thing that I still do not like is the way it acts when you select an external standard, and then for some reason it loses it.
What it does -
a. You select an external standard in the menu
b. If it finds one connected, it uses it, and displays "EXT" on the front
c. You turn the unit off, and back on again (with the external standard still connected) and it uses it again upon startup
(so far so good)
d. turn it off again
e. remove the ext. std. and turn it on
f. it displays a message that the ext. std. is gone and uses the internal std.
(still OK so far)
g. re-connect the ext. std., turn it off and on again
h. it does NOT attempt to look for the ext. std. this time, but uses the internal std.
(not good)What should happen (IMHO) is that if you explicitly select an ext. std. in the menu, it should, from that point on, remember your preference, and always look for an ext. std each time upon power-on, and then default to the int. std. if it's not there. I brought this to Jason's attention on the phone regarding the DG1022 and he seemed to think I was probably right.
Anyway, I want to try and keep this, even though it's used. I'll see what kind of deal he can do for me.