Also I need to note my trigger went a little crazy displaying some voltage and/or time offset compared to displayed signal.
Hope user calibration will be able to fix it.
A follow-up for the previous info: after user cal trigger is back to normal timing.
Still I can see how the signal curve fluctuates around trigger point as I change test signal frequency from 10MHz to 350MHz. Total drift is about 1ns. Can't say yet if it's normal or not because all my channels are now modified. Could be result of unexpected phase response of the new filters. Need to check pulse response to see the edge.
Also I see some BW decrease after user cal. It was like 400MHz at -3 dB level. Now its 360MHz at -3dB level.
My user cal fixture was of awful quality and scope remained in a half-disassembled state. I'll rerun user cal after the scope is fully reassembled, shielded and equipped with better user cal fixture. That's my last chance to improve accuracy.
Anyway, I consider 500 MHz upgrade to be done, although it would possibly compromise scope's accuracy
Will post upgrade details asap.