... I ... wonder why dunkemhigh's board is working. Maybe I should send mine to dunkemhigh to compare...
The board is here and in my scope. It works exactly the same as my board does - that is, there is no discernable problem. I don't get any warning on boot, and I can do the full remote control stuff without error.
This kind of suggests that my scope is somehow different from everyone else...
Well, that explains why I couldnt find any error.. still, not being the only one with the error there must be something we're overlooking?
When I'm home, I'll write down the serial of my scope, maybe by comparing we can figure out if it's a hardware thing? Too bad I dont know anybody with an original module to try and see if that works or not..
I too have been unsuccessful in getting either of my dunkemhigh boards to work.
Before going after serial numbers, perhaps it is a difference between the different scopes models themselves (2000A vs 3000A, or even 100MHz vs 500MHz). There should be no difference between DSOX and MOSX, as both models are the same, only the MSOX has been software enabled on the later.
What models are
successful users of dunkemhigh LAN boards using them in?
And what models are
unsuccessful users of dunkemhigh LAN boards using them in?
I'm using an
MSOX3054A, and I have no issues when using an actual Agilent DSOXLAN module.
I believe dunkemhigh has a 2000A. Is anyone with a 3000A successful in using a dunkemhigh LAN card?