Plesa, have You by any chance figured out what infiniium mode means
I suppose that it is related to some compatibility with Infinium family scope and their SCPI commands, I guess.
You are probably right.
This is launcher return text:
\> \secure\infiniiVision\infiniivisionLauncher.exe -l MSO -l memMax -l MEMUP -l
EMBD -l AUTO -l COMP -l SGM -l MASK -l EDK -l RML -l ASV -l SGMC -l BW20 -l DIS
-l SCPIPS -l VID -l CABLE --forcemaxmem
Our command line is -l MSO -l memMax -l MEMUP -l EMBD -l AUTO -l COMP -l SGM -l
MASK -l EDK -l RML -l ASV -l SGMC -l BW20 -l DIS -l SCPIPS -l VID -l CABLE --for
*** Installing License: MSO
*** Installing License: Acq Memory Max
*** Installing License: Acq Memory Max
*** Installing License: Embedded serial decode and trigger
*** Installing License: Automotive serial decode and trigger
*** Installing License: UART/RS232 serial decode and trigger
*** Installing License: Segmented Memory
*** Installing License: Mask limit testing
*** Installing License: 200MHz Bandwidth
*** Installing License: Education kit license
*** Installing License: Distributor license
*** Installing License: Enhanced Video Triggering
*** Installing License: ASV
*** Installing License: Cable Calibration
*** Installing License: Infiniium Mode
*** Installing License: Remote Log