Make me think what more could be 'hidden' on 2000 and 3000?
Thank you by the help!
From the command line there are no more out-of-the-box real surprises.
InifiniivisionLaucher.exe --help gives you a list of all the available switches.
But remember, almost all functionality is a software implementation, and the 2000 and 3000 software is identical... thus...
Even digital input selection for serial decoding should be possible, including I2S.
With a lot of perseverance, it should be possible to make the 2000 behave (almost) identical as the 3000, except for its obvious hardware limitations:
- 200MHz frontend
- no 50ohm input
- No probe detection
- 2GSa/s
- 50,000 waveforms/sec
- one ASIC (which halves the sample-rate, 8 digital inputs and 1Mpts memory depth)