For those interested, the firmware for the 4000 series v4.08 does NOT allow the command line switches to work.
So, it is similar to the 3000a firmware v2.41 in structure, but the dll would need to be modified in the usual way at the appropriate location to allow the lic hack switches to work.
FWIW, the infiniivisionlauncher.exe file exists in both \secure\infiniivision, and \windows. They are different sizes, and the one in the infiniivision folder throws an error box if you try to launch it (cmd line switches or not). This is after killing the currently running instance of infiniivisioncore.dll, of course.
The one in \windows works as expected, except cmd line switches not working.
Of course, the \windows directory files are all RO, and probably some hidden ones too. ATTRIB refuses to make them RW, probably since the structure now in use with 4.08 (and I imagine 2.41) makes the \windows directory part of flash rom, not RAM.
Apparently, this also means that the files and file structure in this directory is somehow "munged", in a way that the CE OS knows how to deal with, but that the FS cant handle (?? headers stripped, etc).
Upshot: No easy way to copy or replace the files there.
If anyone has looked into the infiniivisioncore.dll code (ida, etc), drop me a PM. I am trying to find out where the string compared with "true" comes from. The routine is common to all versions, and 3 such routines are close to each other. Only one is relevant to this discussion (cmd line switch processing), AFAIK.
I would imagine that the string likely comes from a config or debug file, but I haven't managed to trace the flow back.