FIX (maybe)
I hope joining the discussion this late isn't too frowned upon, I've been lurking here for a little since I got my own QC1922 a few months ago and had the exact same problem with it where the dot would only move vertically and wouldn't move horizontally to display time. I just got my CRO working today and made an account to comment my news here.
The rail hidden under the transformer (F701 on the diagram) kept blowing the fuse, so I got frustrated and packed my CRO away. Opened it again today after a few months and measured the rail with a multi-meter; initially I got 16.1V dc and 2.23A (this is why the fuse blew).
Measuring it a second, third and fourth time right after the first showed 0.67A ("odd", I thought), so I inserted a new 1A fuse and hey presto, it worked!
My noob theory is that if it's left off for too long it'll draw a bunch more current than it should when it's switched on. It might just need a "soft start" if you haven't used your QC1922 for a while. You could maybe do a soft start with something like a variable resistor in series with the fuse.
Hope this helps!