Ok, today I installed an Agilent free software package called "
Stability Analyzer 53230A" that can be downloaded from Matlab Central here:
http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/31319-stability-analyzer-53230aIt integrates in to Matlab and works perfectly with the Agilent 53230A over a network connection.
I just had to enter the IP address of the instrument to the software and hit the Analyzer button.
Although, I have no experience with Allan or Hadamard deviation, it is really cool to get this data so easily analyzed from the instrument.
The 53230A counter is hooked up to one GPSDO on channel 1
The software takes as many samples as I select, in this case I did 1E3 and 1E5 samples
And here are the results:
I probably have to play a lot more and read up on Alan and Hadamard deviation, to understand it all.
Next is probably to take a few measurements with both GPSDOs and compare them.
I am not sure, if I will see any differences, but probably not, since both GPSDOs are so similar.
Please let me know, what you think about this stability analysis.