Still trying to figure out the "ideal scope". It could still be a Rigol - we'll see if they get around to introducing their new Logic Analyzer enabled model(s), but maybe the winner could be an Agilent.
If it's an Agilent, it's either a 2000 or 3000 but not sure which.
Any comments/corrections/thoughts highly welcomed and appreciated....
Here are some links regarding Agilent's I2C, SPI Serial Embedded option for the 2000 series they call DSOX2EMBD: is a link regarding Agilent's I2C, SPI Serial Embedded option for the 3000 series scope they call DSOX3EMBD: anyone know if these two options (DSOX2EMBD and DSOX3EMBD) are identical, or just similar?
One reason for asking is that on pages 377-396 of the Agilent 3000 manual (User's Guide) there is a section specifically on the DSOX3EMBD, but there is no comparable section in the Agilent 2000 manual (User's Guide).
3000 User's Guide (see pg 377-396): User's Guide appears that the two options (DSOX2EMBD and DSOX3EMBD) both work with the analog channels of each scope (2000 and 3000), ie, in both cases they can work without the MSO options (DSOX2MSO and DSOX3MSO) - Correct?
And the DSO2XEMBD/DSOX3EMBD can work with either 2 channnel or 4 channel analog configurations - Correct?
While the two DSOX"N"EMBD options appear very similar, there are of course some differences between the 2000 series and the 3000 series. For example, the 2000 (with the DSOX2MSO) only supports 8 digital channels vs. the 16 channels supported by the 3000 (with the DSOX3MSO). This is pretty obvious, but I'm wondering what else might be different that perhaps isn't quite as apparent.
On page 126 of the 3000 Manual there is a reference to the Serial Decode options:,but there is no corresponding section in the 2000 Manual: on Page 126 of the 3000 Manual there is a section on the Lister (which the manual says "is a very powerful tool for investigating large amounts of packet level serial data..."). On page 128 there is a brief section on Searching Lister Data.
Although there is no reference in the 2000 Manual regarding the Lister the above video seems to show that the Lister feature is available on the 2000 series scope (if you have the DSOX2EMBD option): see video at 2:50.
Another possible difference seems to be in the area of search: on Page 59-60 in the 3000 manual there is section on Search for Events, but no comparable section seems to be in the 2000 manual.
And of course, there is the difference in wfms/s: 50k on the 2000 vs 1 million on the 3000; 1GSa/s per channel on the 2000 vs 2GSa/s on the 3000 and 100kpts memory depth on the 2000 vs 2Mpts on the 3000; and there are definitely additional triggers on the 3000 vs. the 2000.
Maybe the additional triggers are what causes Agilent to claim superior Search and Navigate features on the 3000? and navigate: 2000 No, 3000 Yes

Agilent has done a nice job of providing a graceful/incremental upgrade path within each series but it would be nice to know what features and functions can never be reached by heading down the 2000 path vs. the 3000 path. The performance and memory trade-offs are relatively easy to see between the 2000 and 3000, but some of the functional feature differences seem a bit more obscure - so any advice from forum members would be much appreciated.
Not to be overly OC, but in an effort to try to make the right investment, below is a Table of Contents list of the features referenced in the 3000 manual that seem to not have a corresponding section in the 2000 manual. Some of the TOC differences might be just documentation differences, but I think most of them reflect feature/function differences. (Let me know if you see any errors and I'll fix the list - but with the list and the links to the manuals it should be possible to identify most of the differences between the 2000 and 3000):
Searching for Events 59
To set up searches 59
To copy search setups 60
Divide 77
Math Transforms 78
Differentiate 79
Integrate 80
FFT Measurement 83
Square Root 90
Ax + B 90
Square 91
Absolute Value 92
Common Logarithm 92
Natural Logarithm 93
Exponential 93
Base 10 Exponential 94
Math Filters 94
High Pass and Low Pass Filter 95
Math Visualizations 96
Magnify 96
Measurement Trend 97
Chart Logic Bus Timing 98
Chart Logic Bus State 99
Serial Decode Options 125
Lister 126
Searching Lister Data 128
Edge then Edge Trigger 148
OR Trigger 155
Rise/Fall Time Trigger 157
Nth Edge Burst Trigger 158
Runt Trigger 160
Setup and Hold Trigger 162
To set up Generic video triggers 168
Measurements, Statistics 201
Ratio 227
Counter 229
X at Min Y 233
X at Max Y 234
Count Measurements 234
Positive Pulse Count 234
Negative Pulse Count 235
Rising Edge Count 235
Falling Edges Count 235
Mixed Measurements 235
Area 235
Measurement Thresholds 236
Measurement Window with Zoom Display 238
Measurement Statistics 238
16 Digital Voltmeter (not referenced in the 2000 manual, but I think it's an option on both 2000 and 3000)
- WaveGen functions referenced in 3000 manual, but not in 2000 manual
To edit arbitrary waveforms 261
Creating New Arbitrary Waveforms 262
Editing Existing Arbitrary Waveforms 263
To add noise to the waveform generator output 267
To add modulation to the waveform generator output 267
To set up Amplitude Modulation (AM) 268
To set up Frequency Modulation (FM) 269
To set up Frequency-Shift Keying Modulation (FSK) 271
To save Lister data files 281
To recall arbitrary waveforms 285
Browser-Based Remote Front Panel 320
Long story short if you had to live with a 2000 vs a 3000 what would you miss most from the 3000?