Hello everyone still interested. I made further measurements (scope at the gate), this time with C5 removed. To start with the result: No obvious change ! At voltage / current values such that the Mosfet has to get wide open (low voltage / high current) there are still sometimes overshootings when the current is switched on via the start stop button. It looks like, it's a bit more seldom than with C5 installed, but since this is a statistical phenomenon, it's hard to say. For the 'low current guys' of us, here comes the good news: The threshold current value, from which on the overshootings occur, is something like 8A at 3V. Below this current value the regulator works correctly. And, if the voltage is increased, its going to be better either. So, it's clear the problem comes along, when the Mosfet is opened up widely. Anyway, the overshootings are some kind of cosmetic problem, since they only goe up to about Vcc of the integrator, I never measured more than 11V. So it's not a problem for the Fet. Depending on the model, they are able to withstand at least 20V, in most cases more. So I don't think a too high Vgs is the reason for all the killed Fets. I think it's rather the combination of a high power working point, an overshooting event and the fact that most of the used Fets are not DC-resistant. This state should be avoided by a suitable Zener in the region of 6 to 7V put between gate(+) and source(-). From my observations in normal operation Vgs never goes higher than that.