Hi. This is my very first post as a new member of this forum. So instead of starting a new post, I'd like to ask some NOOB questions regarding scope input capacitance and probes since I'm in the market for my very first scope.
After searching and comparing numerous entry level scopes that suits my budget, I've decided on getting one of Hantek's newer(?) DPO6000B/C/D series scopes.
But one thing that's peculiar is that the specification of the analog input channel capacitance is 25pF, +/- 3pF. This is higher than other budget scopes like the Rigol DSO1054Z's 15pF +/-5pF, GWInstek GDS1054B's 15pF, etc... Capacitance values of 15pF is in line with Dave's EEVblog #453 scope probe impedance diagrams, which says to me that these are typical values.
Is Hantek's DSO6000 series input capacitance a product of bad design or is this a non issue since the probes they come with should compensate for this higher than typical imedance?
Thanks for any comments since I want to pull the trigger next week.
BTW, I'm only looking at getting an 50-80MHz model and don't really need anything higher in BW.
Right now, this is the one to get: https://www.tequipment.net/Instek/GDS-1054B/Digital-Oscilloscopes/?search=true
It's hackable, etc. and for $310 it's a complete bargain. Plus you get EEVBLOG discount on top of that.
Where can I find that EEVBLOG discount, Fungus?
Buying a used scope in Canada is not worth it unless you live in a big city. Even if you find one price can be high. Shipping and so on counts as well.
You got that right. I've looked around on Kijiji but local ones are snapped up right away or I'd have to pay shipping from another City or Province. Our small market does not offer much, if any choice.