The following Brymen meters have 20/second update in REC (aka MAX/MIN) mode (not a comprehensive list):
- BM257s
- BM525s
- BM817s (Amprobe AM-270)
The 20/second display update isn't really useful as far as the display goes - if the numbers are changing fast, they're just a blur - better to look at the bargraph. Of course, the important thing is it helps ensure that the meter will catch very short MAX & MIN durations.
The 10/s update on the BM789's display is not a blur, but "well" readable, so it could be useful sometimes when the baragraphs resolution is not enough.
As far as busting the 87V, I'd say "not so fast"! The 87V's default MIN/MAX record rate is 100ms (10/second), just like the BM789. It's just that it doesn't update the digital display any faster (the min/max is taken from the bargraph reading).
Also, the Fluke 87V and many of the Brymens support a "Peak" or "Crest" mode where the min/max is captured for very short transients (0.25ms for the 87V and 0.25ms-5ms for the Brymens depending on the model). In this mode the display doesn't update continuously - it shows the MAX or MIN value (whichever you select)
The BM789's manual doesnt say anything about the different display update rate, but in REC mode it says the signal duration must be DC 300ms AC 460ms and there is the nominal update rate mentioned, I suppose for the measurement. Because it is 10 for AC but the display stays at 5/sec.
Crest mode says 0,35 ms signal duration. But it goes a bit lower.
JoeQSmith did once a test of the crest modes of some meters, unfotunately the BM789 was not there yet.
It would be a nice test to see how the meters behave with singe glitches, and different signal heights, especially in Amps mode.
But anyway in display update the BM789 beats the Fluke, also in normal mode and in baragraph wiev