I also have a 4210 and was getting strange readings (possibly intermittent contacts in the chopper section), and I got to wondering if I even had the correct ROM for my -4 sensor.
Attached is my ROM dump; I also uploaded it to KO4BB.com (currently not sorted yet, in the "Recent Uploads" folder).
Then I made a quick tool (
https://github.com/fenugrec/hp5004_sigtest) to calculate HP 5004A-style "signatures", to compare against the ones given in the service manual.
I think my software works, but I'm getting
D0 : 5943
D1 : 306C
D2 : 6763
D3 : 5H1A
D4 : P37H
D5 : 2654
D6 : 9524
D7 : P3P1
which doesn't match any of the signatures listed in the SM.
Anyone else have a 4210 and wouldn't mind dumping their ROM ? (obtaining the signatures in-circuit is difficult since the z80 needs to be disconnected from the databus so it NOPs through all addresses)
I looked at the ROM (Z80 code), and my usual tools (IDA , ghidra) quickly choked on the disassembly. On closer inspection, it looks like the firmware is some kind of FORTH or indirect-threaded code ?