Well HalFET is not here on EEVBLOG since late 2019, but Wim is still active user. His code is on GitHub, and as I said, he might be willing to help if he has time. I guess last time he ran out of people to talk to. The other user that claimed math wasn't right dropped a bomb and left.
Thanks, I may get back to this later when time permits., tied up with a project and "other" issues now
This looks interesting and within the realm of usefulness as an app for these DSOs.
The math seems pretty simple,
Using what I posted as Z = Zr{(1/BP) -1} for the shunt Zr mode. If Z is a simple series C, and Zr is a simple resistor, then BP will be RCS/(1+RCS).
Z = R{1/(RCS/(1+RCS)) -1}
Z = R{(1+RCS)/RCS -1}
Z = R{(1+RCS -RCS)/RCS}
Z = 1/CS and C = 1/jomegaZ as it should
For an inductor for Z then BP = R/(R+LS), so Z + R{1/R/(R+LS) -1}, Z = R{(R+Ls)/R -1)}, Z = LS and L = Z/jomega as it should.
Of course the complex impedances will become little more involved, as would removing the effects of the probes and fixture, but all seems doable within reason.
Seems like a fun project to get involved with later when time and things permit.