Hello all,
my name is Johannes, im 27 and im from Germany. I am an electronics hobbyist, and i mainly do "audio stuff".
I recently bought a BM235 from Dave, and after the german customs had it for about 2 weeks, i finally got hold of it.
The first thing i did was test it on some AAA batteries, but the voltage readout was all over the place (sub 1V, and constantly changing), so i measured some SMPS at 12 and 5V:
12V: cheapie Voltcraft VC160: 12.3V
BM235: 10.06V

If i reverse the probes, it only displays 9.06V.
5V:cheapie Voltcraft VC160: 4.88V
BM235: 2.84V, and 2.48V with the probes reversed.
After that, i emailed Dave and he suggested i measure some batteries:
9V battery:cheapie DMM: 9.44V no matter which polarity
BM235 in VDC Mode:: 7.17V correct polarity, -6.30V reverse polarity
BM235 in AutoV LoZ Mode:: 7.6V no matter which polarity
and then i gets weird: When i try to measure an
AAA battery, its starts of at around 1,07V and continuously goes down to 0V. This takes about 3-4 seconds. If i then short the probes, it displays around -0,7V and again goes down to zero. the cheapie DMM tells me the battery is around 1,17V.
However, if i measure my line voltage, its pretty much spot on: 239.9V at 49.98Hz.
The Ohms range is completely broken. No matter what i put across the probes, or if i short them, the meter tells me its off-range, and displays 0.L. Same with the continuity tester.
The temperature range doesnt work either. it just says "---F" or "---C", both with the supplied k-type probe and another one.
I have not tested the A or mA/µA Ranges yet.
So, am I missing something here, or is my meter broken?
Thanks in advance,
Edit: i did change the batteries, but that didn't solve it.