Thanks for your suggestion.
Followed this procedure:
1) Turn Rotary Knob to "OFF" position.
2) Press and hold "SELECT" and "HOLD" buttons, and then turn "Rotary Switch" from "OFF" to "" function position within one second.
3) "000.0" is displayed
4) Input 000.0, press "SELECT" and then "REL" buttons simultaneously
5) Wait till reading is stable, press "SELECT" and then “HOLD” buttons simultaneously.
6) “300.0” is displayed
I had to do it several times, because on the first tries at point 6) (after pressing select+hold) it was showing and empty display with the 'nF' symbol only instead of 300.0 ohm.
After several retries it worked, but instead of going to 300.0 as shown in point 6), it went straight to 30.000K...
And now my ohm range is broken: when shorting, it shows 1.000K and 1.500K intermittently :'(
I think I screwed up the calibration completely...