I initially want a 10MHz reference for my bench equipment, such as the frequency counter, rf signal generator and AWG.
I also want a 24MHz reference for SDR's and LNB's but this part is not a deciding factor of which one to go for as I can generate a 24MHz signal from a 10MHz reference or get another GPSDO. So I'm really focusing on getting the 10MHz side sorted first.
If you need a clock distribution, as multiple parallel outputs, so the Bodnar would not fill the requirements.
While paralleling BNC load and each with 50E load, some will not have the required signal strength.
Also no PN (phase noise figures) given for those clock distribution amplifiers
. Target of those is 10MHz even with optional clock source as may a GPS related gear. So Bodnar & Clock distributions as BG7BL the step by solution.
on Ali, there are various models of BG7TBL, all with unknown OXCO source, so you have to ask while as soon you open other OXCO brand is given. It gets all day with cheaper oscillators.
The point of BG7TBL, I do not see a clear given support, only some chicas who deals with the goods and no glue about anyy electronic parts.
so BG7TBL real web side is IMHO missinghp