Yes directly from the Rigol fanboy or girl that thinks averaging fixes everything 
a) I don't own anything made by Rigol
b) I was asking what happens to the noise figures, not telling anybody anything. Averaging is a perfectly valid technique for reducing noise.
a) Didn't you own some Rigol equipment in the past, maybe a DSO?
b) Quote from a comment above.
"Technically speaking you can turn on 4x averaging on the Rigol and still have the same sample rate as the Siglent but with a lot lower noise. Hence my question above."Technically speaking seems like a statement to me!
and more on this.
"and also my wondering whether all the noise about the Rigol's noise is really productive or not, ie. does it really make much difference in practice?"Noise generally isn't productive and most designers attempt to reduce it unless your striving for a noise generator

Putting all this fun aside, think we should all ask Dave or Howard to do a proper side by side unbiased evaluation since they seem to be the only folks with direct access to a number of these mid-level DSOs. Since Howard had indicated he was somewhat of a Rigol Fanboy I placed a little more faith in his evaluation than I normally do, but as TurboTom pointed out the rms vs. SD with offset bias issue. In all honesty I would have probably made that same mistake before realizing the DSO rms reading includes the DC offset since most RMS DVMs read AC waveform rms and don't include the DC term. What's funny is my Fluke and Keysight handheld DVMs say True RMS Reading, which isn't True!! They both read AC rms, since a True rms should be waveform agnostic and include all sources AC + DC

Anyway, we wouldn't be discussing any of this if we didn't have such high performance, quality instruments available at moderate prices from newer resources such as Rigol, Siglent, Micsig & others. Fun times for those younger engineers and scientist that now can afford these instruments at home. I know when I was younger the usual Tektronix and HP equipment was way off limits price-wise. You had to wait for a much older bargain instrument on the used market that likely needed repair.
Now to study up on the Owen DSO that was mentioned which includes the 8/12/14 bit Analog Devices HMCAD1520 multi-mode ADC, Dave's review wasn't encouraging tho
