@klein .. well explained thks
I would add it depends of the meter range too and yess it depends on how they use the current part(s) for each range (s)
if you have 200,000k counts or some oldies like Keithley 196 who are 300,000 or 3,100,000 .... etc ... you see how they will adapt to the display range in some ways
Now i'm using precision shunts and or electronic current sensors / transducers with zeroing on each start ...
I'm not letting the meter / whatever brand or type taking the "juice" anymore, since on some, you have to dismantle it, if the fuse is internal or on the rear ... but UN-moveable rack mount bolted on the floor

And i would add, i use the psu senses line near the DUT to compensate for the cable lenghts / drops etc .... if they have it i always use them