I purchased an HP 35660A Dynamic Signal Analyzer a couple of years ago now and I am not very familiar as to how to use it.
I was wondering if it is able to do a frequency response test on my home audio gear.
The DSA's built-in source has random, periodic chirp, and fixed-sine. It does not have swept-sine.
I'm reading chapter 13 of the HP Getting Starting Guide regarding "data tables."
A data table is a list of X-axis values (frequencies) that you input into the DSA, up to 400 of them.
The DSA then calculates the Y-axis values for every X-axis value programmed into the analyzer.
Is the following test possible:
What if my Siglent SDG1032X waveform generator is set up to sending a 20Hz to 20kHz sine wave sweep at 1v into one channel of my stereo equalizer.
Attached to the output of the equalizer would be an RCA to BNC cable going directly into channel 1 of the DSA.
While the Siglent is repeating its sweep, will the HP 35660A fill in all of the Y-axis values of the X-axis points I have chosen?
I'm wondering if it will post a graph and give me the dB down measurements at each frequency.
Thank you for the help