I've made some measurements and discovered some interesting things. I think that the smps controller work only with the feedback of the primary current.
Once rectified both secondaries of the transformer go directly to a relay, that choose the range. When set in 60v output it select the 35+35v output, else it choose only the first "tap" at 35v. When in 60v range i measure around 35 volt on the first tap and around 31v on the second tap (the 66 volts of the prvious tests).
When in 6v range i get aroud 33v on the first tap, and aroud 36v on the second tap (70v total)
Measuring the ac voltage with the 34401, directly at the output of the transformer (before rectifier diode), i get in 60v range 22.7vac on the first tap and 21.8vac on the second tap, while in 6v range 22.3vac on first tap and 22vac on second tap. I know that is an high frequency signal, but can be quite indicative.
After the relay, there are 2 current limiting resistors in series (total 13.6ohm) that allow me to measure the voltage drop, and i get 90.7mv on both ranges (6.6ma) at 0v output and 113.3mv at 50v output (8.3ma).
6/8ma can be too much current without load? This thing in output current mode must source at least 60ma....
I've checked diodes, capacitors and inductances after the widing, and all is good.
In current mode it choose the first tap with aroud 33.9v with 0ma output. With the output at 60ma it go at 32v.
The voltages in current output mode are quite good, so i can't explain the 2.3ma offset.
The dc voltages of the +/- 15 and 5v windings are similar to the voltages of the other transformer (+/-18.9vdc vs +/-18.4, 7.4vdc identical).
Measuring the voltage drop across the current sensing resistors on the primary side, i get (on 2x 1r resistors in parallel) 256mvac with 60ma output current set, and 179mvac with output set at 60v...
The current on the primary side not seem too bad in 50v dc output vs 60ma current output, the ac voltages out of the transformer seem quite good, it's the dc voltage of the second tap that seem to drop too much. The diode measured with the tester seem good.
I think that the current offset and the clipping of the output voltage are 2 different unrelated problems.
But by now i'm more confused than before doing all the tests...
I'm starting to think that the problem it's really the transformer, at best it output 70vdc, that not leave any room on a -10+60v output. I think that the correct rectified voltage must be something something around 80vdc.