Hi DC1MC, have fun with the mod.
The stickers are a bit tricky and I needed three loops until I got them right. I used "Film Free Waterslide Decal Paper Type M" (USD 8.90 for 10 sheets) and glue W2 (USD 6.00). I ordered the items directly from sunnyscopa in KR. Their website is perfect, Paypal, and the delivery took just a few days - much faster than aliexpress. They have some youtube videos describing the application. Unlike other waterslide decals, the film is removed at the end. Only the toner and the glue remains on the front panel. The result is very similar to the original print/silk screen. I think they are unique and are also good to repair front panels with rubbed-off markings.
https://sunnyscopa.com/products/glue-w1-w2?variant=36426927734950Tricky items: The paper needs to be printed mirrored on a laser printer. I managed this with ppt and a pdf printer driver from the "PDF-Xchange" toolset which has a mirror option. The printer driver did change the scaling slightly and I had to adjust it to preserve the holy 19mm spacing between the posts. Tip: Print first on paper and measure the distance between two posts. Grey color (some black pixels on white background) rubs off. It is better to print as much toner as possible (Black or any other saturated color, heavy paper, high quality setting of the printer). The stickers should be aligned with the bottom edge of the front panel. The rest is dexterity and patience for placing them at the correct position, wipe out the excess glue, heat with a hair dryer and let them dry. After a few trials they will be good. You can remove them with isopropanol and some ellbow grease without damaging the equipment. I did not dare to use acetone as the company recommends. I attach a ppt file with the stickers, so you can modify the labels to fit the 6627A. Just download and rename the extension to pptx (no virus, I hope).
Fan: I am happy with the noctua fan I mentioned in my post. Temperatures in the 6626A (150W total) are good. The 6627A has 160W , I believe, and should be OK as well. Sound level: 45dBA 50cm in front of the device and no disturbing resonances or harmonics. The 12V header can be located in the service manual. I bought a fan controller
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32973504131.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.31a44c4d3LPhRu but did not try it since i need a good idea where to place the temp sensor. Anyhow, the power supply shuts down when it overheats and displays an error message according to the manual - so it is safe to experiment.
The next move in the beauty contest would be a backlight for the LCD