Putting the MX100TP on top the LD400P to check this idea out, reveals the holes on the MX100P don't quite line up.
But, given that the feet hold off the unit a bit, there's still some connection between the "air cage" of the LD400P
and the MX100TP when the latter is stacked on top the former. So, maybe there's better air flow for the MX100TP when
it's on top, rather than when it's on the bottom, of the stacked units. It's a thought.
Finding a regular convenient spot for my new toy.
Well, that's it. MY AIM TTi LD400P has been reconfigured from 230V to 115V to suit my particular mains power parameters.
Next up is to test the LD400P on some applications to see how well it works out for me.
Hope this was informative. I know it's a bit detailed. Almost nothing left out. i.e. nothing left to the imagination.
Now anyone can completely "visualize" the process of the conversion, and decide whether they'd want to undertake it for fun, or not.
If I had this detail before hand, i'd at least have gotten some Black ESD cable ties, and a Solder Mask Repair Pen, two things I could
have really used in this job. Anyway, we never have everything we need. There's always something more to get.