Accurate time measurements between the two cursors is dead easy on the Tek MSO4034. Position a cursor and the zoom window over a point of interest in the whole-trace display and then zoom in and position the cursor as required. The cursor measurement window shows the delta-T to the other cursor, with up to 9 digits of precision. See the attached screen shot. The actual number of displayed digits does reduce slightly as you reduce the zoom magnification. Making a measurement to a similar accuracy on the Rigol is painful. You have to do a subtraction operation yourself, and it is necessary to disturb your trigger delay in the process. I have been looking at the cursor example illustrations in the Agilent 7000B User Manual, and I only see six digits displayed, but I notice that the examples have only short delta-T intervals between the cursors. As you can see in the screen shot, I am measuring tens of milliseconds.
Can someone with a 7000-series Agilent tell me the best accuracy they can get with a similar measurement?