Could you please point me to the correct steps to enable the service menu?
Service menu on MSO7000
telnet <ip> 5810
username: panther
password: pictures
-> cmd
[vxWorks]# mem modify -w 1 0x009A2187
0x009a2187: 0x00-0x01
0x009a2188: 0x00-.
then press enter. At [vxWorks]# prompt, type
“mem modify -w 1 0x009A2187”
then press enter.
Then type “0x01” and press enter again.
Then type “.” and press enter again.
Then open up the service menu
utility -> options -> licenses -> options
enable 'service mode', 'all licenses', and 'mso'
reboot scope
Only for 6000 series type this in the vxWorks console:
mem modify -w 1 0x00966E67
vxWorks response should be:
0x00966e67: 0x00-
Now type "0x01" after "0x00-" to enable service menu.
new vxWorks response should be:
0x00966e68: 0x00-
Now type "." after "0x00-" to exit.
Now go to "Options" -> "Licenses".