Yes, GPS does it automatically.
In that case that is not stored on hwclock or there is no clock backup battery... because my unit was on GPS couple days ago.
I'm sorry, i can't see anything wrong from here, it's not easy to debug stuff like this without a way to reproduce the issue. I think the Linux on the E7495B isn't the issue here, It could be a hardware issue with your E7495B or some problem with your Network or Computer(s).
Thank you for your kind efforts
No rush... after all, with all this I am refreshing my Unix know how
With CF use can pick up necessary data for now... and remote is in to do list.
E7495B must be capable on VXI or USBTMC commands, that may be also god solution for my future remote...
Considering from last night one other way to bring E7485B version of
egclient.jarto Ubuntu PC... by simple copy on CF card, but
path ->
on /flash/mnt/cf/
>ls -al
empty folder! (some data like screns, xls and update files are on CF for sure....
Anyone, what is right path for my CF card?
enable_irq(114) unbalanced from c032558c
Trying to free nonexistent resource <ce8a6000-ce8a600f>
ide0 at 0xce8a6000-0xce8a6007,0xce8a600e on irq 114
hda: 254208 sectors (130 MB) w/0KiB Cache, CHS=993/8/32
Partition check:
hda: hda1
ide_cs: hda: Vcc = 3.3, Vpp = 0.0
enable_irq(115) unbalanced from c032558c
Trying to free nonexistent resource <ce8b7000-ce8b700f>
hdc: TS8GCF133, ATA DISK drive
ide1 at 0xce8b7000-0xce8b7007,0xce8b700e on irq 115
hdc: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
hdc: 15662304 sectors (8019 MB) w/1KiB Cache, CHS=974/255/63
hdc: hdc1
ide_cs: hdc: Vcc = 3.3, Vpp = 0.0
hda: hda1
hda: hda1
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev ide0(3,1).
hda: hda1
hda: hda1
cramfs: wrong magic
hda: hda1
hda: hda1
hdc: hdc1
hdc: hdc1
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev ide1(22,1).
hdc: hdc1
hdc: hdc1
cramfs: wrong magic
hdc: hdc1
hdc: hdc1
hda: hda1
hda: hda1
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev ide0(3,1).
hda: hda1
hda: hda1
cramfs: wrong magic
hda: hda1
hda: hda1
hdc: hdc1
hdc: hdc1
VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev ide1(22,1).
hdc: hdc1
hdc: hdc1
cramfs: wrong magic
hdc: hdc1
hdc: hdc1
Asking because >mount
report same devices with and without PCMCIA and CF card plugged on E7495B
no >lsblk to find out, any other way to do it?
[root@E749xx /root]$mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type ext2 (rw)
/proc on /proc type proc (rw)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
/dev/mtdb3 on /flash type jffs2 (rw)