most old and still good voltage reference by today, especially when operated at lower temp with parallel resistor mod, will most likely be equivalent in drift to the opt. 002. reason being, keysight selects them new and extrapolates drift. and references drift more when new.
those on ebay are a gamble, because their origin is unknown. never bought one.
in your case, what I would do, is to validate your instrument as-is (potentiall with the mod, but no upgrade to opt 002). you would need a stable, calibrated voltage reference (732/4910), or access to it to calibrate the unit and check the drift. According to PTB, if you do that three times, and have a drift history, you can use this as the drift rate going forward. Unless you bought a bad unit, I am sure you will be 002-equivalent in drift rate, especially if you do the mod. you need to establish this, as you use it for your customers, so you need some evidence.
or, if you want to spend the almost 1k (for a opt002 upgrade), i would rather invest this in a 732 or so.