Hello, EEVblog forums. I'm sorry to try and leech off of this place with a first post like this.
I got my hands on one of these units for free, broken, but it has sadly been tampered with by a rather inexperienced tech, who did a lot of work on it, but didn't save the components he replaced. I can't trust him to have installed the correct replacements, making troubleshooting it very tedious. If anyone has one of these units, or even one of its smaller siblings, I'd be eternally grateful to find out what IC1 and IC7 on the power board are supposed to be. I'm attaching two pictures of the unit, including one of the two possibly incorrectly replaced chips.
If anybody has any general tips for repairing a unit like this, I'd love to hear them. The only thing that's working in it is the active PFC controller (an ST L4981A), but there seems to be a small switchmode converter built around the two logic chips (a 4013 and a 4069 - but they could be wrong), which is not starting. The entire primary side of this power supply is a bit of a convoluted mess of bits and bobs and thin traces going all over, making it a nightmare to work on. I've checked all the usual suspects (capacitors (including ESR), power devices, low value resistors, diodes, etc.) a hundred times over, to no avail, and I'm starting to grow desperate. It would be such a shame to trash a nice unit like this.