In other news: The 179 is their "best overall" meter.
I own a 179. I've had it for, oh, 20 years. Other than its propensity for eating batteries, it has served me well and I have no need to replace it with anything "better." (Though I was tempted by a Keysight hand-held at the end of last year when they had their deals -- but I figured if I was going to get another meter, it would be a benchtop, not another handheld.)
I have a 175 at the day job, from the same era as my 179. It, too, works reliably and I see no need to replace it. There are a few bench meters around but they tend to get absorbed into larger test sets.
But back to the 87 topic. I am reminded of the First Rule Of Holes: "When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."