What I need?
2 isolated outputs, that can also be connected in series and parallel.
Voltage: 15V
Current: 1A
Separate controls for Current and Voltage
Everything you would expect from a lab power supply: CV, CC, short circuit protection, overvoltage protection, can handle variable loads etc.
I don't need USB, RS-232, GPIB
A small form factor would be a bonus.
Where can I buy from:
The local used market is useless, to say the least. The best I could find is a not working
So, currently looking at Farnell, ELFA and RS.
My progress sofar:
At first I was looking at a Tenma 72-8690, mostly because of the price point. After some research I figured out that these things are cheap for a reason. Dave has a video where he shows how a Korad supply acts when switching the output on under load, potentially damaging circuits. Also the unit fails. So I started looking at a higher price point.
Currently on my list:
TTi EL302RD, about 400€ - More power then i need, quite large. Should have decent performance.
GW Instek GPS-2303, about 400€ - Same as the TTi really.
Maybe, Agilent E3600 series, a bit more expensive but closer to my required power ratings and size. Should definitely be on par with my requirements. Then again, Agilent brand name is not something I need, not going after ISO TS in my home lab or anything : )
Feel free to jump in and give me some ideas.