i] Perhaps it need some magic camera... normal Canon can not see them and my eyes can not see these.
(generate fast changing signal and install camera taking picture with enough long shutter time or use example very fast video camera and then count what is really displayed. - this is perhaps good idea for Dave - take some amazing method for detect real displayed wfrm/s and remove mystery woman "wfrm/s" pants. However, I am afraid that not everyone will like it - I mean, some of the prominent manufacturers.)
you can take even the light speed camera, the display is refreshing with complettly different refresh rate than the data refresh in sample buffer. Take TDS700, enable DPO/InstaVu
and you will see persistently lot of events, but when you capture them with cam, you will not see 400k wfms/s (even if you can measure such value on trigger out).
Yes - (and no).
I do not mix TFT refresh time and waveform capture rate.
Also this Owon example simple proof that also it can capture new waveform much more fast than TFT update period.
This is now too much simplified but:
If scope acquire to "virtual phosphor" all claimed captured waveforms. They are there.
Then sometimes they are transferred to TFT. This TFT image refres rate have nothing to do with waveforms captured per second.
Now, example if there 100 waveforms captured to "virtual phosphor" memory and then come TFT tranfer.. they appear visible on TFT. Example 50 times per second. Now if I take photogtraph from this one just updated TFT screen there need be visible these 100 waveforms (if there is enough differencies between these captures so that they use different diplay pixels). Now If I keep shutter open and take example all 50 TFT frames. And if signal have enough changes I need (in theory) Find 5000 waveforms from this 1 second image. (display rsolution perhaps can not show these but every 1/50 frame need show what is collected (captured) in this refres time to "virtual phosphor".
(of course this 1/50 update rate is just imagined example). Perhaps you remember this one old test image from Hantek screen... I have it somewhere but can not find it now.
Becouse it is "displayed waveforms per second"
(Of course now there can be also brightness gradiend what add information... just like real phosphoir work but this is other thing)
This technique to measure waveform update rate is other question.
Example if I now calculate wfrm/s table using these test results, whole table is total bullshit.