Well Joe....what can i say.....apart from 'Brilliant'

That was just what i was trying to find out

Your scientific approach now makes me understand why you are a 'SUPER Contributor'.....Great Stuff

4-6mA drift is an excellent result and 100% usable.
Have you any idea if your others (ones not modded) are similar in performance?
Do you think the firmware mod that make it read to 6 or 8000 counts(but no zero

) might affect it's drift/accuracy? 6 or 8 amps down to 1mA would be ultra useful

I'm actually looking to get the UT210E with the 1mA resolution, the info about the UT210'D' (with 10mA) was just to make people aware/give them the option.
Thanks again for your Excellent help

So a clamp for DC= useless?
Hell NO.......i'd be lost without using my one for car current draw. Stable = Brilliant. Unstable = Useless!!
If you start pulling circuits, you just make more problems. Amp clamp is THE only way to go.