I got interested in these clamps a little over a year ago, and went ahead and bought one in either May or June of 2017. It was shortly after that that I started seeing posts about the new chipset, so its possible it could be either. I had bought it with the idea of hacking it for fun/learning, but never got around to opening it up until a few days ago. I had tried shining different lights at different angles, with and without magnification, with and without spit, but I just can't see any markings on the chip. It doesn't look rubbed/scratched off, I just don't see anything on it. I applied the non-chipset specific modifications with no issues, and was thinking maybe a way to tell would be to try to apply the chipset specific ones and see which worked, but wasn't sure if doing this could cause any issues (probably not, but figured better to ask before trying).