I've been fiddling with my HP-770D for months.
If you're looking for great accuracy, even with calibration, you'll be disappointed. At least I am, with my one sample of this DMM.
It initially drifted a lot. I replaced the LM385 with an ICL8069A and it got worse. Replaced the LM385, cleaned the PCB, removed any paralleled capacitors recommended by other forums. It's better now, drift-wise, but not perfect.
Someone in a forum (here? Kazus?) recommended a 55000 count mod. I tried it. The linearity isn't great across any given scale, but with the increase from 40000 to 55000 it magnified the nonlinearity. There's a few (perhaps 4?) digits of inaccuracy as I go from 1V to 4V, but the inaccuracy increases to 21 digits at 5V. As in, depending on whether I calibrate at 1V or 2V or 3V or 4V, measuring 5V afterward is anywhere from 5.0006 to 5.0021. I apologize if I'm not perfectly clear on this one. I didn't keep any notes.
It calibrates by using basically the same method as ZT-102, AN8002, and other cheap meters using a Hycon MCU. Close the jumper, turn on the unit and switch its dial quickly to ohms. Wait for its self-calibration to finish; it'll beep in mid-calibration and again at the end. Use HOLD and RANGE to decrease and increase, and SEL to advance. One word of warning: If you are displaying 40000 and you increase, the calibration routine will fail and you'll need to reload the EEPROM from a backup.
Making a backup of the EEPROM: it's the same process as other Hycon MCU meters. You must move the dial away from the OFF position. You'll cause the MCU to run, and it'll interfere with your backup. Short out the outer two pins of the six-pin unpopulated inline connector near the calibration jumper, which will hold the MCU in reset so you can read the EEPROM.
Like GigaJoe, my daily grab-and-go meter is an Owon B14T+ with the DCV 10-turn pot painstakingly calibrated. I didn't overclock -- I like how fast its autoranging is already. (It has a little nonlinearity across 2.2V-22V but I'm living with it.
) I'd overclock my original ZT-102 if I knew how to change the divider on its Hz mode. I can't recall seeing an option for that in the Hycon EEPROM spec.