Hey there again folks.
Finally i got some decent scope, analog one to help me troubleshooting my projects but first i need to troubleshoot the scope. The actual model is TRIO (old kenwood brand name) 20mhz CS-1820
Will go on the short version. I bought the scope from Austria and received the scope by a courier company using trucks for transport way (~1 000km of travel).
Before i bought it a friend of mine that lives there took a look on the scope for me, (we used video phone call because he don't know a lot from electronics at all). So it was working fine there, placed jumper wire, showed the 1kHz 0.5Vp-p calibration freq and so on. He bought the scope for me and send it via courier but we forgot to arrange the package on the thing. Anyway I received the unit, read the manual (got nice schematic on the lastpage with all the components there) and placed all the knobs as sayd in the manual, turned the sucker on, but no trace at all. Either both channels.. So something happened in the transport, unplugged it, opened it (ofc shorted the HV tube end to ground, wont be nice to have direct hit with 1.5kV). Inspected the boards, really looked fine, no major issue or anything.Found one metalic part like pin from knob at the bottom of the scope so i guess i might have broken know pin or something (have added photo of it). My suggestion is something have slammed the knobs few times and they are causing the problem.
Hit me with some more suggestions to go for, will check the knobs operation later today!
Also included video with the scope and some more explanations.
Here is a link with the video of the scope:
Anyway I'm pretty sure the problem is in some swtich/knob will inspect them all, but i guess will focus on the Sweep time/dev switch, something tells me there is the problem, because i don't have either on both channels trace, but still don't know how i can see for short period of time like mS the traces when I'm switching the MODE switch..