I wouldn’t call that “cheap clickbaiting”. Many videos — including a large portion of Veritasium’s — have clickbaity titles. But that’s just a consequence of being on the algorithm’s treadmill. I wouldn’t hold that against their concent. The content is solid and not cheap sensationalism. Note he even made effort to move away from typical sensationalistic themes: he explained the whys, sketched this as a consequence of structural and organizational complexity instead of malice or ignorance, and shown work is actively done to amend the problem.
Take the right perspective. For you or me that kind of attack, and weakness of infrastructure in general, is something obvious. So that may look as painting an ordinary thing like a major discovery. But we are special. We are exceptional among 8 billion people on this planet. We were lucky enough to dive into a topic, most people never even had a chance to scratch the surface of. Look from their perspective.
Compared to the infamous electricity incident, I find this video very well made and valuable. And uncomparably better to what a typical journalist would do: post a fear inspiring, oversimplified, half-wrong article in a major newspaper, removing all the context and skipping all parts that could disturb the choosen bias. In the best scenario spreading misinformation, in the worst case making lawmakers take action.