The vid posted by Smokey is ok method, but I just make the dut an inline item between S11 & S21, sweep it, and find the dip.
I got a pack of unknown beads on wire from amzon, no real data, just "ferrite bead inductor".
I solder a bead between two sma connectors, and grounds connected, connect between S11 & S21, sweep it, and I find I have 100kHz ferrite beads, -40db @ 100kHz. I use LiteVNA64.
The vid makes point to 1st calibrate at the ends of the cables, which is good for more accuracy, but not really needed to find the dip where the ferrite is providing some attenuation.
I actually needed to test the beads I bought, I find they will not be correct for my PSU filtering project, I need an FR31 ferrite.
As for OP ferrite unknowns, wrap a few turns of magnet wire around your ferrite, sweep it with the VNA, S21 log graph should indicate where the impeadance peak notch it.