I've been working on a project that would send a specified audio signal to my radio (could be hand-held, could be mobile, etc.) microphone line. For the life of me, I can't find anywhere in any radio's manual information on what signal amplitude the radio expects. The only thing that's listed is the microphone impedance (600 ohms seems common). Not wanting to destroy something in the radio by applying too high of a voltage to the microphone line, I'm trying to figure out where the line level should be. Is there a way to find that out or determine it from the microphone impedance, or am I stuck doing it manually by attenuating the signal to zero and gradually turning it up until the audio level sounds right, then measuring the output voltage that gives that level?
My current radios are an old IC-V8 (mic impedance not listed in the manual) and a TM-V71A (listed as 600 ohms) if that's of any use.